Krzysztof Nadolski

I received my Bachelor of Engineering in Technical Physics atthe Faculty of Fundamental Problems of Technology of Wroclaw University ofScience and Technology (WUST) in 2017. In 2016 I took part in the Erasmus+ programme,which allowed me to take part in laboratory research in the Institute ofChemical Technology at University of Leipzig (Germany). In my Master studies atthe Faculty of Chemistry of WUST I joined the group of Prof. Marek Samoć, thusin 2018 I obtained my Master degree.

Currently I am a PhD student of BioTechNan programmecofunded by the European Union. My supervisors are Prof. Katarzyna Matczyszynfrom WUST and Prof. Pierre-Francois Brevet from Institut Lumiere Matiere,Universite Lyon 1 (France). I work on use of nonlinear optical processes forsensing and photodynamic therapy. My scientific interests include plasmonicnanoparticles and nonlinear optics.

In my free time I enjoy learning foreign languages, ridingmy bike, playing board games and attending zumba classes. I am also an animal rights activist.

I joined the PhoBiA association in 2017. In the academicyear 2019/2020 I was its vice-president, and from October 2020 I am its president.